Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe Logo
Karte der Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe

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the Zillertal!

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Local Events & Current News

Winter Holiday

Winter Bliss

Perfect conditions on the slopes in the Zillertal

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Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Alpine Dairy

Taste the delicious hay-milk products from the dairy in Mayrhofen

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Hofeigene Produkte auf unseren Urlaubsbauernhöfen

Farm Produce

Taste the freshest products from the farms.

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Das Gauderfest in Zell am Ziller

Special Offers

Find special offers for your holiday in the Zillertal.

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Zillertal Bikechallenge


Explore the beautiful Zillertal along the marked trails.

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