Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe Logo
Karte der Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe

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Welcome to

the Zillertal!

Our Comfort Rooms

At the Hof Unterhuben farmhouse our cosy and spacious rooms offer a shower, WC, satellite television, and a balcony with delightful views of the Zillertal mountains.


Wake up to our lavish breakfast buffet including many of our homemade products in the morning.


Our comfort rooms offer:

  • comfortable double bed
  • shower/WC
  • satellite television
  • balcony with panoramic views


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  • hof_unterhuben_zillertal_fuegenberg_familientraum_schlafzimmer_seitenansicht.jpg
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  • hof_unterhuben_zillertal_fuegenberg_familienzimmer_badezimmer.jpg
  • hof_unterhuben_zillertal_fuegenberg_fammilientraum_badezimmer.jpg

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