Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe Logo
Karte der Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe

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Welcome to

the Zillertal!

Summer holiday at the farm in the Zillertal Valley

A summer holiday on the farm is an unforgettable adventure in nature for children and parents alike. Spend all day in the clean mountain air, play with animals, ride horses and ponies, relish the smell of freshly mowed grass, play in the hay, enjoy farm-fresh food – that is a vacation on the farm.


Breakfast includes oven-baked bread rolls, fresh Ziller valley pasture milk, organic eggs straight from the coop, smoked bacon, herbs from the farm's garden, and fresh water from the farm's own spring. At night, you will fall into your soft bed with happy memories of an adventure-filled day on the farm.




Hier geht’s zu den Sommeraktivitäten:

› Hiking in the Zillertal and the Tyrolean Inntal valley
› Biking & mountainbiking
› The Zillertal Activcard
› Swimming pool & lakes
› Exciting day trips

Discover the Zillertal

Winterurlaub im Zillertal

Summery bliss

Idyllic hiking, mountain biking, swimming & adventure!


Winterurlaub im Zillertal

Winter magic

Skiing, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, winter walking & much more.


Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Local events

Experience tradition: Almabtrieb, Gauderfest, Hooo-Ruck-Fest & more!

Our offers

Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Day Trips

Tip: Sample hay-milk products at the adventure dairy in Mayrhofen.

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