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the Zillertal!

Zillergrund in the Ziller Valley

The Zillergrund tributary valley is the most eastern of the four side valleys. Zillergrund is 25 kilometres long and stretches from the Italian border to the town of Mayrhofen. The area at the end of Zillergrund is known as Zillergründl, home to the Zillergrund reservoir. The valley starts at Heiliggeistjöchl and turns into a readily accessible and forested gorge near Mayrhofen.


Zillergrund is a low-traffic valley because access by cars is limited. Trucks are not allowed in the valley in the summer months. This makes the valley a popular destination among hikers. However, a public bus does service the valley.


For every ticket over EUR 2.00 you will receive a voucher, called the 'Umwelt Bonus'. It is valued at EUR 1.50 and can be presented at any establishment serving food and drink in Zillergrund.

Discover the Zillertal

Winterurlaub im Zillertal

Summery bliss

Idyllic hiking, mountain biking, swimming & adventure!


Winterurlaub im Zillertal

Winter magic

Skiing, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, winter walking & much more.


Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Local events

Experience tradition: Almabtrieb, Gauderfest, Hooo-Ruck-Fest & more!

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Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Day Trips

Tip: Sample hay-milk products at the adventure dairy in Mayrhofen.

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