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Karte der Zillertaler Urlaubsbauernhöfe

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Welcome to

the Zillertal!

Out and about on the Zillertal train

Take your time. Tranquil yet with a little bit of adventure. Not hectic or stressful. The perfect start to an uplifting and adventurous day. Find a seat near an open window or board the car with no roof. Be enthralled by the fascinating landscape of the Ziller Valley. The journey is your destination. And the real truth of travel lies in taking your time.


With us you can still get lost in the feeling of travel. Take a trip with the nostalgic Zillertalbahn train.


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Discover the Zillertal

Winterurlaub im Zillertal

Summery bliss

Idyllic hiking, mountain biking, swimming & adventure!


Winterurlaub im Zillertal

Winter magic

Skiing, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, winter walking & much more.


Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Local events

Experience tradition: Almabtrieb, Gauderfest, Hooo-Ruck-Fest & more!

Our offers

Heumilchprodukte aus der Erlebnissennerei Zillertal

Day Trips

Tip: Sample hay-milk products at the adventure dairy in Mayrhofen.

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